1. Click this link: https://dashboard.stripe.com/subscriptions?status=all

  2. Click “Export”

    1. For date range, choose “All”
    2. For columns, choose “All”

    Screen Shot 2023-04-28 at 8.59.29 AM.png

  3. Open file in Google Sheets, Excel, etc.

  4. Status:

    1. active - sub has an active paid subscription
    2. past_due - Stripe is retrying their payment method
    3. canceled - sub’s paid subscription has ended
    4. trialing - subs that are on an active free trial
  5. Filter the Trial End (UTC) column to remove:

    1. blanks = subs that didn’t have a free trial
    2. trial end dates today or in the future = we only want to look at conversion rate for trial subs that have had the chance to convert to pay
  6. To find subs that did not convert from a free trial, I think you filter for subs where the Current Period End (UTC) = Trial End (UTC)